Family Constellation
Systemic Family Constellation is a phenomenological tool developed by German psychologist Bert Hellinger in the 1990’s to help uncover the inherited family traumas, emotional patterns, identifications and entanglements we carry within us from our family of origin, distant ancestors and previous partners.
In a session, the facilitator interviews the individual about what brings them to it and what their intention or issue is that they wish to address.
Once the interview portion is concluded, the facilitator tunes into the individual’s family field and invites the client to observe as they test together different energetic patterns, family dynamics and influences that are observed in the family field.
The client is then invited to experience movements that take place at a soul-level aimed at restoring order in the family field and disentangling them from excluded or unseen family members. Once everyone in the family is seen, acknowledged, included and honored, order is restored and a greater emotional balance occurs.
The results of a systemic family constellation session can be felt both immediately as well as several weeks later. The individual’s family field is impacted by what is known as morphic resonance and changes in relationship dynamics are often felt as well as negative emotional patterns tend to clear up.
A regular individual session lasts between 60-90 minutes while group workshops can take between 2-3 hours or become full day experiences, depending on the number of participants.